Description: Yes we combine shipping for most multiple item purchases.Add multiple items to your cart and the combined shipping total will automatically be calculated. 1970 Goldie Hawn Confesses: Woman Is The Passive Sex - 5-Page Vintage Article Original, Vintage Magazine articlePage Size: Approx. 8" x 11" (21 cm x 28 cm) each pageCondition: Good For Goldie Hawn,“Laugh In” ’s zany anddelightful answer to femalecomedy from the GeorgeBurns & Gracie Allenschool, life is not merelyan endless stream of jokesand mad antics calculatedto titilate the funny boneof the free world. Goldieis first and formost a wom-an—enormously talented tobe sure but none the lessa woman.One of the problems thatfaces this lovely blondlass . . . and it must bea particularly annoyingone for any one as warmand sensitive and intelli-gent (yes intelligent!) asGoldie.You see, that’s part ofthe problem. Many peoplethink that Goldie is reallyexactly like the person sheportrays on the Rowan &Martin show. Well to setthe record straight . . . sheis not. Remember, Goldiewas a dancer for manyyears, that’s how she began... 13516-AL-7006-56